Golden Investor Residence

Golden or Investor Residence is the residence permit for the investors who acquire the real estate property in Spain through an investment equal to or greater than 500,000 euros in accordance with the Spanish Law 14/2013. The law is aiming to the investors from the non EU countries.

The holder of such permit may apply for a permit for his spouse and children under 18 years of age or older who are not objectively able to provide their own needs, and who will accompany the investor. Said permit depends on the investor and in order to obtain it the applicant must prove that he meets the general requirements, including that the investor has financial resources for his family (which may be proved by any means of proof: income, wealth, etc.), as well as the corresponding health insurance.

Golden Investor Residence holder has the following advantages:

  • the investor acquires the working permit in Spain
  • the investor and his family can travel free in Schengen territory up to three months within six months period
  • the investor is not obliged to reside in Spain, he should only enter the country once a year
  • the application is being revised in a short time period
  • there are no refusals for the applicants, if all the requirements of the Law are met.


My Way® real estate agency specialist will help you to find and purchase the the real estate in Spain to obtain the Investor residence permit and will assist you in all stages of obtaining the permit from preparation of all the documents to receiving the residence permit cards. If you are interested in obtaining the Investor residence permit and you need additional information please don´t hesitate to Contact us.